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Jennifer and Ken Workman | Asheville, NC | Email

Birnam Wood's Unfrogettable CCA


Born: 4/26/2014

Breeders: Sylvia Donahey & Bill Feeney

Birnam Wood Goldens in Cotati, CA

Pedigree Link

Ellie was one of 13 puppies in the "Frog" litter. Frog was the litter theme, because Ellie's mother's name is Froggie.

Ellie is a beautiful balanced Golden Retriever bitch weighing approximately 59 pounds, with a luscious blonde coat, good bone and a pretty head and expression.

In very limited showing, Ellie has won her class numerous times and has taken a major reserve from the 12-18 Puppy Class and a reserve from the Am-Bred Class. She is sweet as can be, loves to learn, catches on quickly and is very biddable.

Ellie earned her CCA April 28, 2018!
Ellie Album
9 weeks old
9 weeks old
full speed
Full speed!
looking cute
Looking cute
smelling tree
Tree smells good
ellie sleeping
Ellie snoozing under my computer desk
Handling Class
ellie free stacking
Puppy Match
ellie first show
Looking pretty at her first show
ellie gaiting
Gaiting around the ring.
Snow January 2016
Snow January 2016
Ellie and Wilbur
Ellie and Wilbur Swimming
Handling class
Fun at Handling Class
Handling Class
Handling Class
asheville show
Asheville Show
asheville show
Asheville Show