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Jennifer and Ken Workman | Asheville, NC | Email

BVISS Lyric Advent Breakim All Records CDX GN RN CCA CGC BVIS (8 points, both majors)

Born: 1/31/2005

Breeders: Sue Nation/Jane Fish

Lyric Goldens in Hendersonville, NC

Advent Goldens in Austin, TX

Pedigree Link

Kim was so special it's hard to express it in words.  She was from Liam's first breeding and from day one she was a complete joy. Whatever I asked of her she gave with all her heart.

I hadn't planned on showing Kim in conformation, but at a CCA (Conformation Certificate Assessment) a breeder judge encouraged me to give it a try. At 6 years old and after 3 litters, I began showing Kim in conformation. She earned two back-to-back 4 point major wins under breeder judges. At 9 years old Kim earned her CDX (Companion Dog Excellent). Then at 10.5 years old Kim won Select Bitch and Best Veteran at the 2015 Sandlapper GRC Specialty.

Memories of Kim

9 weeks old
Great Attention
9 weeks old
9 weeks old
9 weeks old
Major win - under breeder judge: Nancy Talbott
asheville show
Another major win - Under breeder judge: Laurie Doumaux
9 weeks old
Retrieve over high jump
9 weeks old
Drop on recall
asheville show
Best Veteran Sandlapper GRC Specialty - Under breeder judge: Nancy Talbott