CH Runnymede Miss America CGC

Posted on Facebook 10/30/14 -
As you all know Kylie was beyond special. I wanted her even before she was born. I had her name already picked out. Bay Area friends will appreciate this. One day while at a stop light on Kiely Blvd in San Jose CA, I thought that would be such a cute name for a girl if it was spelled differently. At that point I knew I was going to name my next female golden, Kylie. Around the same time (late 1990’s) I also knew I wanted a Banjo (CH Chuckanut’s Brasstime JH NA NAJ) daughter. I loved their looks and personalities. In my eyes, everything about them was the ideal golden retriever.
A year or so after we moved to NC I discovered Betsy Smith (Runnymede Goldens) had an upcoming litter sired by Banjo. When I found out there were girls in the litter I had to have a puppy. If I remember correctly, there were 10 girls and 1 boy. Kylie’s mom, Justine (CH Runnymede Just My Speed) nickname was “Justine the beauty queen,” so the litter theme was beauty contest names, which is how Kylie became Runnymede Miss America.
Kylie arrived at the Asheville Airport at 9 weeks old. When we opened the crate door there was this adorable little muffin face looking out. After that, Kylie's nickname was “muffin.” Twelve years ago at the National in Florida, Kylie had just turned 9 months old when she placed 1st in her sweepstakes class. I was a novice handler and it was the first time I had shown at a National. I was thrilled and so proud of her. Less than a year later Kylie and I won a 5 point major! We continued showing and won several more points. The following year Kylie then went with Amanda and Suzanne Bedell, who finished Kylie’s Championship in several weekends. Her show career was great fun and I have many happy memories.
Kylie did have many antics. One was jumping off our 6 ft deck onto our concrete driveway! She loved Julia Terrell and every time Julia showed up Kylie would go flying off the deck! It is a miracle she passed hips and elbows and was not lame in her old age. Kylie also was very stubborn and would not do anything she did not want to do. Even though she was incredibly intelligent, she had no desire to please when it came to things like obedience or retrieving. She would chase the ball, but after it stopped she would look at me as if to say, ok, you get it. For her to pass her Canine Good Citizen test was a huge deal and everyone who knew her was surprised she passed.
Kylie also loved to make us laugh. She would sit at our dining room table and pretend she was a human. She also would scoot down the driveway as a greeting. She was a great travel companion and puppy raiser.
I’m a firm believer people and animals come into our lives for a reason and to teach us things. Back when Kylie was a puppy I found out she had juvenile cataracts. I “should have” placed her, but I just couldn’t. That’s a decision I will never regret. She taught me so much and helped give me the confidence that I could show a dog myself. I never would have learned that without her. She was an old soul who brought so much joy into our lives and the lives of others.
Thank you Betsy Smith for breeding Kylie and entrusting me with her.
I love you Kylie Muffin. You'll always be in my heart.
As you all know Kylie was beyond special. I wanted her even before she was born. I had her name already picked out. Bay Area friends will appreciate this. One day while at a stop light on Kiely Blvd in San Jose CA, I thought that would be such a cute name for a girl if it was spelled differently. At that point I knew I was going to name my next female golden, Kylie. Around the same time (late 1990’s) I also knew I wanted a Banjo (CH Chuckanut’s Brasstime JH NA NAJ) daughter. I loved their looks and personalities. In my eyes, everything about them was the ideal golden retriever.
A year or so after we moved to NC I discovered Betsy Smith (Runnymede Goldens) had an upcoming litter sired by Banjo. When I found out there were girls in the litter I had to have a puppy. If I remember correctly, there were 10 girls and 1 boy. Kylie’s mom, Justine (CH Runnymede Just My Speed) nickname was “Justine the beauty queen,” so the litter theme was beauty contest names, which is how Kylie became Runnymede Miss America.
Kylie arrived at the Asheville Airport at 9 weeks old. When we opened the crate door there was this adorable little muffin face looking out. After that, Kylie's nickname was “muffin.” Twelve years ago at the National in Florida, Kylie had just turned 9 months old when she placed 1st in her sweepstakes class. I was a novice handler and it was the first time I had shown at a National. I was thrilled and so proud of her. Less than a year later Kylie and I won a 5 point major! We continued showing and won several more points. The following year Kylie then went with Amanda and Suzanne Bedell, who finished Kylie’s Championship in several weekends. Her show career was great fun and I have many happy memories.
Kylie did have many antics. One was jumping off our 6 ft deck onto our concrete driveway! She loved Julia Terrell and every time Julia showed up Kylie would go flying off the deck! It is a miracle she passed hips and elbows and was not lame in her old age. Kylie also was very stubborn and would not do anything she did not want to do. Even though she was incredibly intelligent, she had no desire to please when it came to things like obedience or retrieving. She would chase the ball, but after it stopped she would look at me as if to say, ok, you get it. For her to pass her Canine Good Citizen test was a huge deal and everyone who knew her was surprised she passed.
Kylie also loved to make us laugh. She would sit at our dining room table and pretend she was a human. She also would scoot down the driveway as a greeting. She was a great travel companion and puppy raiser.
I’m a firm believer people and animals come into our lives for a reason and to teach us things. Back when Kylie was a puppy I found out she had juvenile cataracts. I “should have” placed her, but I just couldn’t. That’s a decision I will never regret. She taught me so much and helped give me the confidence that I could show a dog myself. I never would have learned that without her. She was an old soul who brought so much joy into our lives and the lives of others.
Thank you Betsy Smith for breeding Kylie and entrusting me with her.
I love you Kylie Muffin. You'll always be in my heart.
2002 GRCA National

Kylie won the class, over 17 beautiful goldens

Kylie wins a 5 point major!