Casadeloro's John Jameison CD CGC

Below is a brief look into the life of our first Golden Retriever, Seamus. Never has any being influenced and dramatically changed our lives as much as bringing Seamus into our family. He was 13 years old, still made us laugh and continued to teach us not to take life so seriously...Seamus were are the best! Letting you go was the hardest thing we ever done. I know you are in a better place and free of pain...We love and miss you every day...
November/December 1992
Seamus's momma, Vicky, and his littermates
Seamus's momma, Vicky, and his littermates

Seamus with his stuffed puppy

December 1992
8 weeks old and meeting our cat, Schatzie
8 weeks old and meeting our cat, Schatzie

February 6, 1993.
My roommates from college had a puppy shower for me.
Left to right is, Denise, me, Seamus and Kim.
The photo to the right is Kim teaching Seamus to play tug.
That became Seamus' favorite game.
My roommates from college had a puppy shower for me.
Left to right is, Denise, me, Seamus and Kim.
The photo to the right is Kim teaching Seamus to play tug.
That became Seamus' favorite game.

Our dog was not going to be allowed on the furniture/bed/etc...
Well... You can see how long that lasted!
Well... You can see how long that lasted!

Fall 1993 - Beach time in Santa Cruz California!
One of Seamus's favorite places to relax and have fun!
One of Seamus's favorite places to relax and have fun!

Puppy Love
One of Seamus' many nicknames was, "the gentle giant," because despite his size, he was so gentle with puppies babies, elderly and anyone he sensed was frail.
One of Seamus' many nicknames was, "the gentle giant," because despite his size, he was so gentle with puppies babies, elderly and anyone he sensed was frail.

October 1997
Seamus earned his Companion Dog Title (CD)
Del Valle KC in Pleasanton, CA
Judge: Ms. Michele R. Engen
Thank you Jackie Earnshaw of Sit Spot Dog Training
for training and handling Seamus to his CD Title!
Seamus earned his Companion Dog Title (CD)
Del Valle KC in Pleasanton, CA
Judge: Ms. Michele R. Engen
Thank you Jackie Earnshaw of Sit Spot Dog Training
for training and handling Seamus to his CD Title!

November 2003
Ken and Seamus cruising downtown Hendersonville, NC
Ken and Seamus cruising downtown Hendersonville, NC